Come one, come all, to the most complete repository of cheats for Grand Theft Auto V on the Playstation 3 platform! When people think of cheats, they think of invulnerability, or infinite damage, generally things that make the game significantly easier, eliminating all challenge, allowing players to get through sections or missions that they couldn’t pass by virtue of skill alone. Resorting to cheats was viewed as a defeat in and of itself, and those who needed them to proceed were shunned.
Then came the GTA franchise. GTA embraced cheats, making them secrets to be discovered, and adding crazy, over the top features and abilities accessible only through the use of cheats. The worlds of the GTA games are built in a way that assumes players will make use of these cheats, and the effects of the codes are an integral part of GTA. Cheats are simply a means to an end no longer, they are an essential piece of what makes GTA, well, GTA. Rockstar Games, developer of the GTA franchise, has embraced this with GTA V, the latest instalment in the series, as well. However, be wary, as Rockstar is extremely allergic is cheaters and hackers in GTA Online, so none of the following cheats will work in the multiplayer modes of GTA V. Should Rockstar get scent of any foul play, their fury will strike you down, and the ban hammer will hit you so hard you’ll land in a cheater’s lobby. Come on, restrain yourselves. Mess around as much as you like in single-player, but don’t be the one to ruin the game for countless other players online by breaking the rules.
Just to get out ahead of everyone, we’d like to point out that there isn’t a money cheat, nor will there be one as long as the stock market is online, as the share-buying system is linked between single and multiplayer, so if someone had infinite cash in the single-player portion of GTA V, players of GTA Online would be affected.
As for the cheats themselves, well, there is plenty to go around. Remember, you can freely mix and match these cheats, so get creative!
Rockstar has added a wealth of cheats to GTA V, we’d be lying if we said that the sky was the limit. Besides the obvious invulnerability cheat, we have all sorts of cheats that affect the character, such as an explosive ammo cheat for times when you absolutely, positively need someone to go away, or incendiary ammo for the closet-pyromaniacs among you. If you’d rather be playing a superhero game instead of a crime simulator, then you’re covered with the fast run, fast swim, and super jump cheats. If you’re seeking thrills, then get ready for some parachute-less skydiving, or juggle with the wanted levels to mess with the police forces hot on your tail to your leisure.
f you’d rather change the world, then the many environmental cheats will allow you to do just that. The weather changes at your whim, you can defy gravity or the laws of physics, and if you have a twitchy trigger finger, you can slow down time to give you better aim. Other than these cheats, there are a host of codes used to spawn weapons and vehicles, so you can wreak havoc in Los Santos in any way you wish.
Web : gta 5
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